作为一名教师和儿科医生,艾米丽·弗兰克(Emily Frank)将在韦恩弗莱特中学到的经验充分利用起来

Speak with Emily Frank and you will quickly learn this: she likes to wear many hats. 

After four years in the orbit of teachers including Wendy Curtis, 卡罗尔Titterton, 还有大卫·沃恩, 艾米丽对科学充满了热情. 在她大学一年级前的那个夏天, 缅因州医学中心研究所的奖学金让她初步接触到了医学. 这是一次激动人心的经历——“我简直不敢相信人们靠做研究为生,她回忆道。. 在考虑攻读天文学学位之后, Emily chose to major in cell biology after matriculating to Dartmouth College. 但随着项目的进展, she found herself increasingly drawn to the school’s education department. Emily was attracted by the idea of a career that was “somewhere on the science-education spectrum,这条道路开始形成一个计划:她将从一名高中科学教师开始(新巴黎人注册网站有效的教学技巧),希望有一天能成为一名大学生物学教授. 

艾米丽重新安排了她在达特茅斯的大三,在冬季学期参加了马绍尔群岛的一个有指导的教学项目. “这是一次改变人生的经历,她回忆道。, adding that it included “some of the most purposeful and happiest days of my life.她采用了一种大多数韦恩弗莱特教师都熟悉的教学方法:如果一位老师得出结论,认为课程的某些方面与学生不再相关, 老师可以改变它. 在他们的科学课上, 学生们想了解生殖问题, 糖尿病, 以及药物对大脑的影响. “That was what was relevant to them, so that’s what I taught them about,她说。. 

回到大学时代, Emily’s experiences in Dartmouth’s science labs had led her to become disillusioned with academia. She still wanted to teach science, but not at the college level. 她说:“我知道我在韦恩弗莱特的教育很特别. “It was the standard for the quality of education that all kids should receive, 不分种族, 收入, 或者生活环境. 我越来越明白了, 虽然, 一个孩子的教育程度在多大程度上取决于他们的邮政编码.“毕业后, she resolved to shore up her teaching skills by working with Teach For America (TFA). 

在TFA的两年任期内, 艾米丽在巴列霍教中学生命科学, 旧金山北湾地区的一个社区. 在经历经济崩溃之前,巴列霍在20世纪70年代曾是一个繁荣的港口城市(大约在艾米丽到达的时候), 由于人事成本上升和房地产市场低迷带来的收入下降,市政当局已经宣布破产。. It was a jarring transition for a 23-year-old who had spent most of her life in Brunswick, 波特兰, 和汉诺威, but she continued to build confidence in her ability to connect with children. “I just loved getting kids excited about science and seeing the light bulb go on,她说。. 学校管理作为一种职业道路并不吸引她——她想以亲身实践的方式影响孩子们的生活, 尤其是当她有机会设计课程时——但她觉得自己仍然需要额外的工具. 她的教育之旅还将继续 in an unorthodox way: she would train to become a medical doctor. 

艾米丽在塔夫茨大学获得了医学博士学位. 塔夫茨大学的“缅因州轨道”项目以社区为基础的课程为基础,使未来的医生能够在整个州的临床地点工作(学生大部分时间都在缅因州)。. “From the very beginning, I was so impressed with their philosophy of education,她说。. “虽然我的学位是塔夫茨大学的, I really learned how to be a doctor from physicians throughout the state of Maine.” 

在她接受培训的过程中——她回忆说那是一段“淹没在生物化学中”的时期——艾米丽仍然被与学生一起工作的愿望所驱使. 还有两名TFA校友, she co-founded 健康 Impact Partnership in the Jamaica Plain neighborhood in Boston. “当我在巴列霍的时候, 我真的很想启动一个项目,让孩子们能够识别对他们重要的健康问题,并在采取行动带来改变时感受到支持,她说。. “这就是解决问题的方法.” 

在全国各地有许多项目,医学院的学生访问当地社区,并就各种主题教育居民. Emily’s unique idea was to build her new program on a foundation of participatory action research, 一种方法, 根据《流行病学与社区卫生杂志, “aims to improve health and reduce health inequities through involving the people who, 反过来, 采取行动改善自己的健康状况.” Emily and her team worked in a diverse school district that was home to many new immigrants. “新巴黎人注册网站想创造一些东西,鼓励学生们认识到什么对他们来说是重要的,从而让他们振作起来,她说。. “The high school students developed a needs assessment and interpreted the data. Our contribution as medical school students was to support them each step of the way.该项目还为未来的医生提供了宝贵的机会,以加强他们在不同文化环境中的沟通技巧. 

营养是社区学生最关心的问题. While many were eating healthily at home, few knew how to cook. 参加该项目的学生认为,高中毕业生是一个特别容易在离开学校后遭受营养不良风险的群体. The kids in Emily’s program designed, printed, and distributed a healthy-eating cookbook. “This was a beautiful example of how students’ voices and opinions are so valuable,她说。. 


Al虽然 Emily was interested in psychiatry and emergency medicine, 她决定专攻儿科. “儿科医生真正关注的是预防和宣传, 与我想做的工作类型产生共鸣,她说。. 她回到旧金山湾区完成实习, 其中侧重于促进卫生公平的领导. 像之前一样, 艾米丽帮助在奥克兰联合学区发起了一个青年参与行动研究项目, building a series of student lessons that highlighted careers in the healthcare industry. “What was the most fun for me was wearing so many hats,艾米丽说. “课程设计, 培训成人辅导员, 客人教学, 支持学生——我用上了我所有的技能, 我喜欢那种感觉.” 

Emily became a near-full-time teacher and a part-time physician. 在晚上做临床儿科医生, 在周末, 在夏天, 她开始在生活学院教书, 这是一所奥克兰公立学校,为6-12年级的学生提供服务. 成立于2001年, 生命学院旨在通过培养学生在健康和生物科学领域具有挑战性的职业生涯,“戏剧性地中断奥克兰服务不足社区的不公正和不平等模式”. 在他们的新巴黎人注册网站过程中, 学生对公共卫生有深入的了解, 健康知识, 健康倡导. 这是亲身实践, 体验项目, 孩子们做了很多事情,从在加州医疗保险交易所制作教育视频到建立骨髓登记活动,以减少登记中的种族差异. Early in the pandemic, COVID-19 infection rates rose rapidly in the neighborhood. In response, students created infographics in a variety of languages to encourage mask use. “To see students feel empowered in the face of national bewilderment, 给他们一种能动性, 非常令人满意,艾米丽说. “如果新巴黎人注册网站让年轻人帮助解决问题,许多源于缺乏健康知识或投资的问题都是可以解决的. 成年人并不是无所不知.” 


这是一个不幸的事实,在许多医疗机构, 种族多样性只存在于较低级别的职位. The more education is required, the more homogeneous the workforce becomes. 这种循环可以自我强化. 当主要来自黑人和西班牙裔社区的学生与主要是白人医生互动时, it is difficult for those students to imagine a future career in advanced healthcare. Emily sees this effect come into play as the seniors in her classes begin to consider colleges. “我问他们是否考虑过申请加州理工学院, 麻省理工学院,”她说. “他们告诉我,‘哦,我进不去.“我告诉他们,这不是他们能决定的. 这要由学校来决定.” Life lessons from Waynflete—finding the courage to knock on what appear to be closed doors and, 面对拒绝, 学会重新站起来,再试一次. 

有行业管道项目, 但大多数人从大学阶段开始——太晚了, 在艾米丽看来. 确实存在的高中课程通常针对的是一小群明显表现优异的学生. “很多孩子只是需要火焰被点燃,”她说. “That’s what interests and excites me—to go below the surface and reach out to those students. There are many kids who walk the fine line between tremendous success and awful consequences. 他们有这么大的潜力——这些潜力有多少得到利用取决于他们在初中和高中得到的支持. 我真的很有兴趣让那些处于危险中的年轻人获得机会,帮助他们利用自己的巨大潜力去做他们想做的事情.” 

That exposure includes inviting as many guests of color as possible into the classroom, 包括医生, 科学家们, 以及其他医疗保健专业人员. “作为一名白人教师,我知道这一点, I can never have the same impact on kids as a teacher of color in their community,艾米丽观察到. “There are all kinds of cultural nuances that I am oblivious to. Every young person should grow up believing that they are agents of their own future. 所以我试着问自己:‘我能做什么, 处于同盟地位, to make sure that my students see the full range of opportunities that can be open to them?’” 


艾米丽相信倾听孩子的声音和提高他们的声音的重要性,这源于她对韦恩弗莱特的记忆. “我学到的最重要的两件事是,你的声音很重要,你可以做任何事情,她说。. “If you can dream it, and if you can identify resources you can draw on, you can ultimately do it.如今,新巴黎人注册网站老师往往是她评判自己在课堂上是否成功的标准. 它们也启发了具体的教学方法. Debba柯蒂斯, 艾米丽最喜欢的老师之一, 让学生完成“非典”(总结, 分析, reaction) for every primary document and article read in class. “我现在教九年级的学生如何SAR,”她说. “How do you take a piece of literature or something in the news and determine what it’s about, 为什么重要?, 以及你对此的感受?” 

Effective time management is essential for someone balancing two demanding professions. “首先是

弄清楚你看重什么——什么对你来说最重要——以及你愿意妥协或放弃什么,她说。. “While there are some things I have to give up, doing so lets me do the work I value most.艾米丽喜欢徒步旅行、做饭、跳舞和做瑜伽. Even when her schedule becomes extreme, exercise is non negotiable. 她说:“没有它我无法生存。. 

就像大多数医生和老师一样, Emily’s working life over the past year has been dominated by the pandemic. 从长远来看, 她计划继续致力于她的专长:创造对学生和医疗保健行业都有积极影响的高影响力体验. 她希望将她在生命学院的工作扩展到整个奥克兰学区(疫情已经证明,虚拟项目是有可能实施的),并从医院和其他组织那里获得更多的支持,这些组织渴望实现劳动力多样化,并建立未来人才储备. 

When asked what counsel she would give to today’s high school students, Emily reflects on advice that she received from a friend years ago: explore as much as you can, 在这个过程中, 观察是什么造就了“最好的你”.” “While pediatrics allows me to wear my preventative and advocacy hats, 它也给了我做鬼脸的机会, 或者唱首歌, 或者和孩子一起胡闹,她说。. “我喜欢儿科让我发现了这一点. 教学也是一样. 最了解我的人都在我的教室里待过. 这就是“我”发挥最大作用的地方.” 

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